Please note that all articles written by Kyle. J. Norton are for information and education only, please consult with your doctor or related field specialist before applying.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Ovarian Cyst Miracle
The Most Powerful & Unique 3-Step System
To Help Reverse Ovarian Cysts Holistically
Types of ovarian cystadenoma
1. Serous cystadenomas
Serous cystadenomas, accounted for about 30% of ovarian tumors, also known as serous cystadenoma, is a very common type of benign ovarian tumor filled with a thin, watery liquid. In rare case, it can become cancerous, according to a study of Molecular genetic analysis of ovarian serous cystadenomas, by Eric J Cheng, Robert J Kurman, Menglin Wang, Robert Oldt III, Brant G Wang, David M Berman and Ie-Ming Shih, researchers found that In fact, only 14% of serous cystadenomas are clonal, suggesting that serous cystadenomas develop as a hyperplastic expansion of ovarian surface epithelial inclusions. We speculate that a small proportion of these cystadenomas become clonal and that mutations of KRAS or BARF in some of these clonal cystadenomas lead to the development of serous borderline tumors, which are the precursors of low-grade serous carcinoma. These findings have important implications for understanding the pathogenesis of ovarian serous carcinoma, and for the screening and treatment of ovarian cancer.
Hemorrhagic Cysts
1. In most case, it causes no symptom
2. Swelling may cause discomfort to some women
3. Leaking can cause abdominal cramps and pain
4. Rupture can result in similar symptoms as of ovarian cyst.
5. Discomfort of pelvis, vagina, lower back, if leaks
6. Blood clots that may restrict the normal blood circulation due to blood bleeding in the cyst.
7. Etc.
1. insufficient release of luteinizing hormones (LH) cause of egg attached onto follicles.
2. Cysts are formed as a normal part of the process as it bleeds, it can become hemorrhagic cysts.
3. It can be caused by hormone imbalance in the follicular phase.
4. Etc.
Diagnosis and tests
Ultrasound is one of the most used to document the Hemorrhagic Cysts, following up with monitoring.
Endo-vaginal ultrasound
If you doctor suspects that you may have develop hemorrhagic cysts, he or she may order an Ultrasound to exam your pelvic organs. Hemorrhagic Cysts can be diagnosed based on the images from the ultrasound.
Since most of hemorrhagic cysts are harmless, they do not pose a threat to women's health and Usually, the cyst will dissolve itself. Many doctors suggest to use ultrasonic observation or endovaginal ultrasound to monitor the growth frequently, unless there is absolutely necessary then surgery may be required.
A. Pain killer and Oral contraceptive pills
1. At the same time taking pain killer to relieve pain, oral contraceptive pill may be helpful by
a. Creating a continual pregnancy like state, resulting in relieving menstrual pain
b. Inhibiting the over production of prostaglandins which cause the muscles spam contraction.
c. Stopping or reducing of period blood flow.
g. Shrinking the follicular cysts
e. Etc.
2. Risks and side effects
a. Growth of fibroids
Growth of fibroid is caused high level of estrogen and progesterone. The intake of the pill increases the level of both hormones resulting in increasing the risk of growth of fibroid.
b. Recurrent of menstrual symptoms
Some women stop taking the pill may see all the menstrual symptoms coming back.
c. Blood clots
Estrogen in the pill may cause blood clots in the small vessels in the leg and the lung.
d. Stroke and heart diseases
Study shows that women who have higher natural estrogen levels may have a higher risk of stroke and heart diseases.
e. Depression and mood swing
At the beginning, it may cause abnormal fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone elevate both physical and psychological stress, eventually resulting in both depression and mood swing
f. Bleeding and spotting
Bleeding and spotting is normal for the first six months for women who begin with any oral contraceptive combination pill treatment.
g. Lost of sexual desire
Some women may experience lower sexual desire
h. Etc.
2. Cystectomy
a. If the hemorrhagic cyst is small in size, has caused severe pain and fertility is a concern, cystectomy with a laparoscopic, may be a good choice as it is an effectively surgical treatment.
b. Risks and side effects
Surgical and anesthetic risks
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Corpus Luteum Cysts
Ovarian Cyst Miracle
The Most Powerful & Unique 3-Step System
To Help Reverse Ovarian Cysts Holistically
Diagnosis and tests
Endo-vaginal ultrasound is one of the most used to document the Corpus Luteum Cysts, following up with monitoring. If you doctor suspects that you may have develop Corpus Luteum Cysts, he or she may order an Ultrasound to exam your pelvic organs. Corpus Luteum Cysts can be diagnosed based on the images from the ultrasound.
1. Some women with corpus luteum cysts are experience no symptom at all.
2. Rarely but it can enlarge itself to 10 cm in diameter
3. Bleeding about the time of menstruation
4. Pelvic cramps and pain due to bleeding inside the cyst
5. ovarian torsion develops
As a result of the bleeding corpus luteum cyst twisting against the ovarian lining.
6. Internal bleeding
As a result of bleeding of the cyst filled with blood.
7. Nausea
Twitting against the ovarian lining can result of limiting the blood supply to the ovaries, causing nausea.
8. Etc.
Causes and risk factors
1. Medication used to induce ovulation can cause the development of Corpus Luteum Cysts, such as Chomid
2. May be caused by after the egg is released, the escape hatch seals off prematurely and tissue accumulates inside.
3. As a result of the use of oral contraceptive progesterone only pill.
4. Personal history
Women who have previous history of corpus luteum cysts are at risk to develop them again and again.
5. Family history
Increased risk to women with family history of direct family member has had the disease.
6. Irregular menstrual cycle
Increased risk to women with history of irregular menstrual cycle.
7. Propocous puberty
Women who had her first period before the age of 11 are at higher risk to develop corpus luteum cyst in their reproductive years.
8. Etc.
If the cyst has growth large or the bleeding has cause severe abdominal cramps and pain and interfere with normal function of the ovaries, surgery may be the best option
A. Cystectomy
1. If the Corpus Luteum Cyst is small in size, but has caused severe pain and may damage the ovary or interfere with its function, cystectomy with a laparoscopic, may be a good choice as it is an effectively surgical treatment.
2. Risks and side effects
Surgical and anesthetic risks
B. Oophorectomy
Sometime, due to the large size or the copus luteum cyst has damage the ovary, oophorectomy may be necessary.
1. Also known as ovariotomy, oophorectomy is a medical procedure to have one ovary removed, if the size has growth too large and cause intensive pain or has become cancerous. After oophorectomy, the woman will continue to have menstrual cycle and can become pregnant and follow up management may be necessary.
2. Unilateral oophorectomy is performed in the hospital with general anesthesia, In the surgery, a laparoscopic, thin tube containing a tiny lens and light that inserts through a small incision in the navel with a camera on the other end to allow your doctor to see the abdominal cavity on a video monitor. After the ovary is detached, it is removed though a small incision at the top of the vagina.
a. Vertical incisions
Vertical incisions give the doctor better view of of the abdominal cavity but it will leave some notable scar.
b. Horizontal incision
If the ovary is removed by horizontal incisions it will leave a less notable scar.
c. Risk and side effects
Surgical and anesthetic risks
C. Oral contraceptive pill
1. If there is no symptom and bleeding but to prevent the cyst to grow larger as it does disappear in a few months.
a. Creating a continual pregnancy like state, resulting in relieving menstrual pain
b. Inhibiting the over production of prostaglandins which cause the muscles spam contraction.
c. Stopping or reducing of period blood flow.
g. Shrinking the follicular cysts
e. Etc.
2. Risks and side effects
a. Growth of fibroids
Growth of fibroid is caused high level of estrogen and progesterone. The intake of the pill increase the level of both hormones resulting in increase the risk of growth of fibroid.
b. Recurrent of menstrual symptoms
Some women stop taking the pill may see all the menstrual symptoms coming back.
c. Blood clots
Estrogen in the pill may cause blood clots in the small vessels in the leg and the lung.
d. Stroke and heart diseases
Study shows that women who have higher natural estrogen levels may have a higher risk of stroke and heart diseases.
e. Depression and mood swing
At the beginning, it may cause abnormal fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone elevate both physical and psychological stress, eventually resulting in both depression and mood swing
f. Bleeding and spotting
Bleeding and spotting is normal for the first six months for women who begin with any oral contraceptive combination pill treatment.
g. Lost of sexual desire
Some women may experience lower sexual desire
h. Etc.
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Follicular cysts
1. In most case there is no symptom at all
2. Serve pain in the ovaries' side of follicular cyst.
3. Sharp pain if the cyst ruptures during ovulation.
4. Nervous tension
As a result of the hormone production of the follicular cysts
5. Changes in general metabolism
As a result of hormonal secretion of the cysts
6. Loss of sexual desire
7. Etc.
Diagnosis and testes
Ultrasound is one of the most used to document the follicular cyst, following up with monitoring, but sometimes, as to rule out the case of cancer, CT scan and MRI may also be recommended, if the cyst is causing severe pain, or if it is suspicious in any way.
1. Endo-vaginal ultrasound:
If you doctor suspects that you may have develop follicular cysts, he or she may order an Ultrasound to exam your pelvic organs. follicular cysts can be diagnosed based on the images on the ultrasound.
2. CT scan (Computed Tomography scan)
If your ultrasound image has found follicular cysts, your doctor may want to confirm the abnormalities by ordering a CT scan. CT scan generates a large series of two-dimensional X-ray images taken around a single axis of rotation, to create a three-dimensional picture of the inside of the body in details.The pictures are viewed by your doctor to see the extent of the cystic abnormalities.
3. MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) is one of many advanced technology used to visualize internal structures cross sectional imaging of your body used effectively in providing the better details of the cysts and surrounding areas.
4. Etc.
1. Pituitary gonadotropin in the production of follicle-stimulating hormone causes of failure of ovulation of the mature follicle.
2. Failure of ovulation and luteinization.
3. Mature follicle does not ovulate and
4. Incomplete follicular growth of immature follicle.
5. Prolonged congestion of the ovaries as a result of chronic pelvic inflammatory diseases.
6. Formation of too much fluid around a developing egg.
7. Etc
Since most of follicular cysts are harmless, they do not pose a threat to women's health and Usually, the cyst will dissolve itself two or three months. Many doctors suggest to use ultrasonic observation or endovaginal ultrasound to monitor the growth frequently, unless there is absolutely necessary then surgery may be required to remove them depending to severity, size and the concern of fertility of the patient.
A. Pain killer and Oral contraceptive pills
1. At the same time taking pain killer to relieve pain, oral contraceptive pill may be helpful by
a. Creating a continual pregnancy like state, resulting in relieving menstrual pain
b. Inhibiting the over production of prostaglandins which cause the muscles spam contraction.
c. Stopping or reducing of period blood flow.
g. Shrinking the follicular cysts
e. Etc.
2. Risks and side effects
a. Growth of fibroids
Growth of fibroid is caused high level of estrogen and progesterone. The intake of the pill increase the level of both hormones resulting in increase the risk of growth of fibroid.
b. Recurrent of menstrual symptoms
Some women stop taking the pill may see all the menstrual symptoms coming back.
c. Blood clots
Estrogen in the pill may cause blood clots in the small vessels in the leg and the lung.
d. Stroke and heart diseases
Study shows that women who have higher natural estrogen levels may have a higher risk of stroke and heart diseases.
e. Depression and mood swing
At the beginning, it may cause abnormal fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone elevate both physical and psychological stress, eventually resulting in both depression and mood swing
f. Bleeding and spotting
Bleeding and spotting is normal for the first six months for women who begin with any oral contraceptive combination pill treatment.
g. Lost of sexual desire
Some women may experience lower sexual desire
h. Etc.
B. Surgery
Unless there is absolutely necessary, then surgery may be beneficial
1. Cystectomy
a. If the follicular cyst is small in size, has caused severe pain and fertility is a concern, cystectomy with a laparoscopic, may be a good choice as it is an effective treatment of non cancerous follicular cysts by surgical removal.
b. Risk and side effects
Surgical and anesthetic risks
2. Oophorectomy
a. Also known as ovariotomy, oophorectomy is a medical procedure to have one ovary removed, if the size has growth too large and cause intensive pain or has become cancerous. After oophorectomy, the woman will continue to have menstrual cycle and can become pregnant and follow up management may be necessary.
b. Unilateral oophorectomy is performed in the hospital with general anesthesia, In the surgery, a laparoscopic, thin tube containing a tiny lens and light that inserts through a small incision in the navel with a camera on the other end to allow your doctor to see the abdominal cavity on a video monitor. After the ovary is detached, it is removed though a small incision at the top of the vagina.
b.1. Vertical incisions
Vertical incisions give the doctor better view of of the abdominal cavity but it will leave some notable scar.
b.2. Horizontal incision
If the ovary is removed by horizontal incisions it will leave a less notable scar.
c. Risk and side effects
Surgical and anesthetic risks
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Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Women and Depression
Recommended Reading
Dissolve Depression by Nicholas King
Explains the fundamental basis, cause,
and ultimate solution to depression
Women and depression
In an article of Why Women Experience Depression More Than Men, by Susan Nolen-Hoeksema, Ph.D., Carla Grayson, Ph.D. & Judith Larson, Ph.D., the experts wrote that researchers have known for years that women experience depression more often than men do, but the reason for this gender difference has not been clear. A study published by researchers provides some answers by showing how social conditions and personality characteristics affect each other and contribute to the gender differences in depressive symptoms.
In a study of Explaining the Gender Difference in Depressive Symptoms by psychologists Susan Nolen-Hoeksema, Ph.D., and Carla Grayson, Ph.D., of the University of Michigan and Judith Larson, Ph.D., of Atherton, CA, researchers found women may more often than men get caught in a cycle of despair and passivity because of the interaction of lower mastery (lower sense of control) over important areas of life and more chronic strain and rumination (chronically and passively thinking about feelings)... and helping women achieve a greater sense of control over their circumstances and engage in problem solving rather than ruminating should be useful. Changing the social circumstances that many women face so that they do not have so much to ruminate about is equally important.
Types of depression
Reactive depression is the reaction caused by emotional swings affecting anyone at one time at his and her life, such as death of a love one, loss of financial stability or chronic diseases. People suffering from reactive depression may lose interest of doing things that provide pleasure. These people generally still function in daily activity normally. Most people suffering from reactive depression may see the symptoms disappear gradually over time, some may require the support from others or take antidepressant medications.
2. Physical depression
This type of depression is caused by chemical imbalance in the brain as resulting of chronic illness such as hormone imbalance, immune disorder or nutritional deficiency. People suffering from physical depression may lose interest or pleasure in almost everything and generally have a negative impact on every function in daily life.
3. Manic depression
This is a severe type of physical depression. In medical terms, manic depression is characterized by wide mood swings with periods of both depression, mania and a variety of other significant symptoms not present in other types of depression such as the fluctuation between periods of extreme energy and vivacity with those of complete hopeless.
Causes and risk factors
A. General causes
1. Hormone imbalance
About 60% of people suffering from physical depression have abnormal levels of thyroid or adrenal hormones causing impaired thinking and making it difficult to carry out daily activity. If the thyroid hormone is in low levels we have hypothyroidism resulting in weight gain, fatigue and loss of appetite. If the thyroid hormone is in high levels we have hyperthyroidism resulting in hand trembling, weakness, anxiety and nervousness On the other hand, if adrenal hormone is in low levels symptoms may include stress, and weakness. If the adrenal hormone is in high level symptoms include weight gain, and diabetes.
2. Immune disorder
Immune system disorder causes concentration difficulty, lowered mood, memory loss, anxiety and symptoms of depression.
3. Nutritional deficiency Too much Omega fatty 6 and deficiency of Omega acid 3 causes memory loss, mood swings and depression. On the other hand deficiency of vitamin B12, chromium, selenium or magnesium causes anxiety and depression as well as mood swings.
4. Sleeping disorder
If sleeping disorder is serious enough to interfere with normal physical, mental and emotional functioning such as fatigue, poor concentration, low mood and other symptoms of depression.
5. Effect of medication taken
Many medications cause symptoms of depression as a side effect such as low mood and anxiety as a result of taking heart and hypertension medication.
6. Etc.
B. Biological causes of depression
Most biological causes are hormones related as a result of low levels of female hormone in the stage of perimenopause and menopause or suddenly drop of hormone after birth as well as other such as pregnancy, stress, etc.
1. Perimenopause
Women who experience menstrual irregularities at the stage of perimenopause are at higher to develop depression due to declining of both estrogen and progesterone as a result of increased production follicle stimulating hormone.
2. Menopause
In menopause stage, women are no longer menstruation as a result of the complete shut down of egg produced ovaries and levels of estrogen and progesterone produced are declined rapidly, leading to depression.
3. Premenstrual problems
It is a result of hormone irregularities or fluctuation as a result of typical American diet with high in saturated and trans fat with less fruits and vegetables, causing premenstrual syndrome like depression.
4. Postpartum depression
is a type of clinical depression, affecting women, after childbirth. Normally this of nervous tension occurs in women in the first new months of pregnancy, but in some women, it can last after child birth. The rate of occurrence is between 5 -25%, depending to the uniqueness of each women. In men the occurrence of postpartum depression are uncleared with the range between 1% and 25%.
Normally the symptoms will go away on its own in a short period of time (Baby blue symptoms). In some women, the symptoms get more serve everyday and does not go away that can leading to the onset of postpartum depression.
5. Pregnancy and pregnancy related depression
Hormonal change during pregnancy may be another cause of depression, especially dor women with family history of depression. Other pregnancy related problems such as infertility, miscarriage, still birth, etc can increase stress that can lead to depression as well.
6. Etc.
B. Social and cultural causes of depression
In an article of Study links poverty to depression among mothers written By Donna St. GeorgeWashington Post Staff Writer, the author wrote that More than half of babies in poverty are being raised by mothers who show symptoms of mild to severe depression, potentially creating problems in parenting and in child development, according to a new study.
2. Childhood trauma
In a study of The link between childhood trauma and depression: Insights from HPA axis studies in humans by Christine Heim, D. Jeffrey Newport Tanja Mletzko, Andrew H. Miller and Charles B. Nemeroff, researcher found that Childhood trauma is a potent risk factor for developing depression in adulthood, particularly in response to additional stress. We here summarize results from a series of clinical studies suggesting that childhood trauma in humans is associated with sensitization of the neuroendocrine stress response, glucocorticoid resistance, increased central corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) activity, immune activation, and reduced hippocampal volume, closely paralleling several of the neuroendocrine features of depression.
3. Social isolation
A woman with lack of contact with other people beside the family may be cause by a pervasive withdrawal or avoidance of social contact or communication are at higher risk to develop depression as a sesult of behavioural and physical disorders.
4. Role strain
Over conflicting and overwhelming responsibilities in a woman life can contribute to a higher stress, if problem is not solve over prolonged period of time, it may lead to depression.
5. Relationship dissatisfaction
Life stress, social support and clinical depression: A reanalysis of the literature by Runar Vilhjalmsson, Department of Nursing, University of Iceland, Eiriksgotu 34, 101, Reykjavik, Iceland, researcher ofund that the lack of social support may increase the likelihood that life stress will lead to depression, or the absence of social support may constitute a form of strain that leads to depression directly.
6. Etc.
C. Psychological causes of depression in women
1. Rumination
When comes to stress, women tend to respond to distress by repetitively, pessimistically and passively focusing on the symptoms of distress, and on its possible causes and consequences. If the situation persistently over a period of time, it can lead to unipolar depression. In a study of Rethinking Rumination by Susan Nolen-Hoeksema, Blair E. Wisco and Sonja Lyubomirsky, researchers found that further, evidence now suggests that rumination is associated with psychopathologies in addition to depression, including anxiety, binge eating, binge drinking, and self-harm.
2. Stress response
According to an article of Study: Why Women Are More Sensitive to Stress posted by LiveScience Staff, showed that women are more likely to suffer from depression and stress out than their cool male counterparts. New research suggests there might be a biological reason for the gender difference. According to The research appears online in Molecular Psychiatry. The study's first author is Debra A. Bangasser, Ph.D., a fellow in Valentino's laboratory researcher found that Analyzing the brains of rats that responded to a swim stress test, Valentino's team found that in female rats, neurons had receptors for CRF that bound more tightly to cell signaling proteins than in male rats, and thus were more responsive to CRF. Furthermore, after exposure to stress, male rats had an adaptive response, called internalization, in their brain cells. Their cells reduced the number of CRF receptors, and became less responsive to the hormone. In female rats this adaptation did not occur because a protein important for this internalization did not bind to the CRF receptor.
3. Gender Intensification in Adolescence
Accordingly to the article of Gender Differences in Depression by Susan Nolen-Hoeksema. the author wrote Social pressure to conform to gender roles is thought to increase dramatically as children move through puberty. For girls, this may mean a reduction in their opportunities
and choices, either real or perceived. Girls also feel that if they pursue male-stereotyped
activities and preferences, such as interests in math and science or in competitive sports, they
are rejected by their peers. For many girls, especially white girls, popularity and social acceptance
become narrowly. This narrowing of acceptable behavior for girls in early adolescence may contribute to the increasein depression in girls at this time.
4. Body image and eating disorder
In a study of Body-image and eating disturbances predict onset of depression among female adolescents: a longitudinal study, by Stice E, Hayward C, Cameron RP, Killen JD, Taylor CB., researchers found that the results were consistent with the assertion that the body-image- and eating-related risk factors that emerge after puberty might contribute to the elevated rates of depression for adolescent girls.
5. Etc.
1. Neurotransmitters-chemicals
Imbalance of neurotransmitters-chemicals that brain cells use to transmit information and communicate each others can lead to nervous tension, causing depression.
2. Smoking
Unhealthy with high in saturated fat and transfat enhamce estrogen elevation, leading hormone imbalance causes of PMS depression.
5. Lack of exercise
According to the article postedin the Special Health Report from Harvard Medical School "Understanding Depression" indicated that according to another study, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine in 1999, divided 156 men and women with depression into three groups. One group took part in an aerobic exercise program, another took the SSRI sertraline (Zoloft), and a third did both. At the 16-week mark, depression had eased in all three groups. About 60%–70% of the people in all three groups could no longer be classed as having major depression. In fact, group scores on two rating scales of depression were essentially the same. This suggests that for those who need or wish to avoid drugs, exercise might be an acceptable substitute for antidepressants. Keep in mind, though, that the swiftest response occurred in the group taking antidepressants, and that it can be difficult to stay motivated to exercise when you’re depressed.
6. Medication
Medication such as Corticosteroids, Cyclosporine, Dopar, Lioresal, etc. can increase the risk of deprweesion, if yiou are taking these types of medication, please make sure you understand the risks.
7. Family history
8. Medical history
Women with depression in the pasthave a higher risk to develop depression.
9. Gender
Women are twice at risk to develop depression than men.
10. Childhood attachment and abuse
Ina study of Childhood attachment and abuse: long-term effects on adult attachment, depression, and conflict resolution, by T Styron, R Janoff-Bulman, researchers found that Results suggest that the long-term impact of childhood abuse may be mediated by early attachment experiences, whereas the long-term impact of abuse on conflict resolution behaviors may be considerably more direct.
11. Etc.
1. Loss of interest and energy in life
2. Change of sleeping and eating habits
3. Can not concentrate
4. Lowered self esteem
5. Deep sadness and hopeless
6.Thought of suicide and death
7. Bloating,
8. Irritability
9. Fatigue, and
10. Emotional reactivity
11. Etc.
A. General approaches
1. Reduce intake of saturated and trans fats Saturates and trans fats cause the increase of levels of bad cholesterol in the blood stream, blocking the circulation of blood and reducing the levels of oxygen that are essential for brain cells resulting in mood change and low interest for daily function.
2. Reduce intake of fat food, simple carbohydrates, and artificial sweetener
The above food causes chemical and nutritional imbalances and contribute to depression.
3. Be careful with conventional prescription side effects
Conventional medication while common can produce negative side effects and tends to treat the symptoms rather than the cause of depression. Some prescription medication may cause side effects to only some patients but not others. Be sure to talk to your doctor if you have some depression side effect.
4. Moderate exercise
Exercise helps to increase the circulation and oxygen level in the bloodstream, gives body energy and produces feelings of revitalization and accomplishment triggering the release of certain hormones that help to boost your mood.
5. Join a social group or club
Joining a social group or club is the best way to climb out and learn something new. It is the proven way to keep your brain active and increase your confidence and self esteem.
6. Get enough sleep
Over half of people with sleep disorders are found to have some mental disorder such as depression. In fact, study shows that insomnia may be the cause of depression.
7. Light therapy
If you have season affective disorder, the body chemistry is thrown off by a decrease in the amount of day light. Light therapy will help to increase energy levels and overcome difficulty in getting out of bed.
8. Etc.
B. Diet
1. Fish Our western diet contain high amounts of omega 6 and not enough omega 3 fatty acid. The imbalance of these 2 types of omega fatty acids may lead to memory loss, mood swing and depression. Cold water fish contain high amounts of omega 3 fatty acid that not only help to restore the hormone imbalance, but also decrease the arteries clotting up by bad cholesterol and triglycerides resulting in more oxygen being transported to the brain.
2. Spinach
Spinach contains high amounts of iron that not only help to boost the production of red blood cells and increase the blood circulation but also help in preventing and treating memory loss, tiredness and trouble concentrating as well as depression.
3. Dark green leaf juice
Weakened immune system may cause concentration, memory problem, trigger anxiety and acerbate the symptoms of depression. Dark green leaf juice contains high amounts of vitamin C, that help to strengthen our immune system and prevent the forming of free radicals and inflammation.
4. Peanut
Peanut contains high amounts of folate. Study shows that people with the symptoms of depression have low levels of folate, one of the members of B vitamins.
5. Cereal
Cereal contains high amounts of niacin that help to maintain normal function and neural function. Deficiency of niacin causes memory loss, low mood, tiredness, and inactivity as well as other symptoms of depression.
6. Fresh raw vegetable
Fresh raw vegetable contains high amounts of amino acids and they are vital to the formation of antibodies to combat bacteria and viruses and are part of the enzyme and hormonal system. Deficiency of amino acids cause hormone imbalance, tiredness and poor concentration.
7. Etc
For more information of healthy diet for depression, visit 100+ Healthy Foods list
C. Nutritional supplements
1. Vitamin C
Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin. Our body does not have the ability to make its own vitamin C. Therefore, we must obtain vitamin C through our diet. Overdose of vitamin C may result in diarrhea. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that protects our body from the forming of free radicals as well as weakening of immune system resulting in chronic infection such as mononucleosis and psychiatric symptoms including depression.
2. B vitamin complex
The B vitamins are eight water-soluble vitamins that play important roles in cell metabolism. Deficiency of B vitamin complex such as B 12 may not lead to physical symptoms but may cause depression.
3. Vitamin E
Vitamin E is the fat soluble antioxidant in our body. Study shows that people with depression have lower levels of serum of vitamin E circulating in their bloodstreams.
4. Magnesium
Magnesium is one of the four electrolyte minerals. Besides helping our body to absorb calcium, and strengthen bones and teeth, it also plays an important role in allowing muscles to relax, and in reducing stiffness in muscles. Magnesium deficiency causes depression, chronic pain, and intolerance to stress, chronic fatigue and depression. 5. Iron Iron plays an important role in production of red blood cells and increase the transportation of oxygen levels to our body cells. Iron deficiency causes chronic fatigue, apathy irritability and other symptoms of depression.
6. Zinc
Besides helping to restore the normal function of prostate gland, it also helps in promoting of hormone balancing in our body by stimulating the production of growth hormone. Deficiency of zinc may be a leading cause of loss of appetite, subsequent poor nutrition, inevitable chronic fatigue and depression.
7. Selenium
Study shows that people with high amounts of selenium in their body tend to be more cheerful and confident. It also helps to make us feel more alert, less anxious, and high levels of energy.
8. Etc.
A. In conventional perspective
A.1. Non Pharmacologic treatments
1. Behavioral intervention
The purpose of behavioral intervention is to reinforce the positive behavior and avoid bad behavior regardless the environment influence.
2. Relaxation therapy
relaxation therapy is a form of treatment by enhancing the person into a relaxation stage quieting the mind to allow thoughts to flow in a smooth and induce the relaxation response.
3. Cognitive-behavioral therapy
In this therapy, you learn to recognize and change thought patterns and behaviors that can lead to anxious feelings, by uncovering the thought processes that cause the negative thoughts associated with depression.
A.2. Pharmacologic treatments
1. Antidepressants
a. Antidepressants such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) have been use effectively by keeping increased levels of serotonin and norepinephrine available in the treating depression with some side effects.
b. Risk and side effects
b.1. Bladder problems
b.2. Loss of libido
b.3. Dizziness and drowsiness
b.4. Inability to achieve an orgasm
b.5. Headaches
b.6. Nervousness
b.7. Etc.
2. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
Electroconvulsive therapy believes that depression is caused by neurotransmitters's inability in transporting messages and information from one brain cell to another. If these neurotransmitters can function normally, it can make the brain cells work better, thus reducing the risk of depression. After using of anesthesia to put you asleep, an electric pulse last only 1-2 seconds applies to your head to produce a seizure to change the behavior of neurotransmitters after an episode of abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Usually 6 to 12 treatments are needed to relieve depression and 3 times a week, depending to the stage of depression.
b. Risks and side effects
b.1. Temporary short-term memory loss,
b.2. Confusion,
b.3. Headache
b.4. Nausea
b.5. Heart palpitation
b.6. Etc,
3. Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS)
a. In 2005, the FDA approved the use of VNS for treatment-resistant depression, it is designed to treat depression by sending regular, mild pulses of electrical energy to the brain via the vagus nerve with the use of an implanted device.
b. Risks and side effects
b.1. Decreased respiratory flow during sleep
b.2. Increase in vagal tone
b.3. Coughing
b.4. Tingling in the neck and
b.5. Problems swallowing.
b.6. Etc.
B. Herbal medicine
1. St. John wort
St. John wort works like some antidepressant medication such as Prozac and Zoloft. Intake of St. john wort helps to increase appetite, more interest in life, greater self-esteem and restoration of normal sleeping patterns.
2. Skullcap
Skullcap helps to reduce the symptoms of mild to moderate depression by increasing the amount of serotonin in the body by inhibiting the reuptake of Serotonin, and inhibits two chemicals interleukin-6 and Cortisol known to cause anxiety and depression.
3. Hops
Hops are the flowers of humulus lupulus. They have been used widely to relieve insomnia and help in promoting positive support for occasional anxious feelings, restlessness, nervousness, tension and symptoms of depression.
4. Passionflower
Passionflower contains flavonoids and monoflavonoids that help to promote emotional balance through relaxation of the nervous system. It also acts as an anxiolytic aiding relaxation, relief from occasional anxiety and panic resulting from stress, and to ease tension.
5. Calamus root
Calamus root has been used for centuries in strengthening immune system, relieve pain, and preventing inflammation. It also helps to ward off fatigue, increase body's energy, reduce stress, anxiety and depression.
6. Schizandra berry
Schizandra berry is a creeping vine with small red berries native to Northern China. Traditionally schizandra berry has been used widely to stimulate immune defense, balance body functions, normalizing physical activity and boosting energy. Recent study shows that it also helps to increase the body's resistance to stress, anxiety, mood swing and depression.
7. Etc.
C. Homeopathy
1. Aurum metallicum
Aurum metallicum is renowned for its ability to cure the deepest imaginable depressions: suicidal states by providing hope, feeling of worthiness and self esteem.This type of person is usually idealistic and goad oriented. It is very surprising to see that a single patient with a lifetime of joyless existence bloom into happiness after aurum pays for every hour of our years of study.
2. Ignatia Ignatia (also known as ignatia amara or iamara) originates from the tincture of strychnos ignatia beans of a small tree native to the Philippines containing a substantial amount of strychnine (used in rat poison) and brucine (a bitter alkaloid similar to strychnine). Iganatia relieves the depression caused by an event of grief and sadness.
3. Natrum Muriaticum
Natrum muriaticum is one of the most psychologically complex and poignant remedies in our materia medica. There is an opposite presentation in which the patient seems abnormally open and can discuss even intimate aspects of his life, apparently not at all embarrassed. When a loss or a serious rejection occurs the patient experiences abnormally prolonged grief and depression. Natrum mutiaticum helps to overcome the deep sorrow that people suffered in silence.
4. Sepia
Sepia is a Homeopathic remedy that helps with bouts of depression from loss of sunlight, but it can be differentiated from aurum by its grief, fatigue, sarcasm and irritability aspects. Sepia is especially helpful in treating depression caused by indifference, weepy, angry, overwhelmed, exhausted and depression associated with menopause.
5. Pulsatilla
In external use, the fresh plant of pulsatilla is an irritant herb and produces a benumbing sensation when chewed. It is a powerful herb in treating people with signs of manic depression.
6. Etc.
D. Home made medicine
1. Mixture of spinach and carrot Put half a cup of spinach and some carrot in the juicer, then drinking the mixture everyday will help to relieve the symptoms of depression. In fact, carrot contains beta-carotene, one of the most powerful antioxidant that helps to rejuvenate our body by blocking the forming of free radicals, and spinach contains high amounts of iron that helps increase the blood circulation resulting in more oxygen to the body's cells.
2. Eat 2 ripe bananas everyday
Bananas contain potassium, serotonin and norepinephrine rae that is said to help relieve symptoms of depression and increase energy for the body.
3. Drink ginger tea
Put 3 to 4 quarter sizes of fresh ginger in 1 cups of boiling water for 5 minutes then drink it. Drinking 3 cups everyday is said to help improve memory, energy and physical activity. In fact, ginger is one of nature's superfoods that not only help to improve blood and oxygen circulation but also helps to enhance the production of certain hormones.
4. Sage tea with honey
Steep one sage tea bag in a cup of warm water for five minutes then add 1 tablespoon of honey before drinking. 3 cups a day will help to improve sleeping and sharpen memory and brain power.
5. Peppermint tea
Peppermint contains substances that help tin relaxing our system and improve moodiness. In fact peppermint helps to increase the blood flow to the brain and concentration power.
E. Traditional Chinese medicine
Traditional Chinese medicine defined anxiety and depression are associated liver qi stagnation as a result with loss, repressed expression, and other stressful events cause of restraining flows of qi.
1. Chai Hu
Chai hu is also known as Radix Bupleuri, the bitter and sightly cod herb has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to disperse heat and fever, improve yang and promote liver function by enhancing the channels of liver, gall bladder, pericardium, triple fire channels, thus enhancing the liver qi.
2. Bai Shao
Bai Shao is also known as white peony root or Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae, the bitter soul and col herb has been used in tradtional Chinese medicine to dilates peripheral blood vessels, coronary arteries and anti-inflammatory by enhancing the function of channels of liver and spleen resulting in promote blood flow to the lower burner.
3. He Shou Wu
He shou hu is also known as Radix Polygoni Multiflori, the bitter, sweetness and neutral herb has been use in traditional Chinese medicine to relieve of heat toxicity, secure kidney essence (jing), treat spermatorrhea and liver qi deficiency by enhancing the function of liver and kidney channels.
4. Gan Cao
Gan Cao is also known as licorice root, the sweet herb has been used in TCM to promote qi, clear heat and get rid of toxins and control the secretion of insulin by enhancing the function of all channels.
5. Etc.
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Sunday, July 24, 2011
Menstrual Cycle and Melatonin Hormone
Melatonin, also known as N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine, a hormone secreted by the pineal gland in the brain with functions of regulating sleep cycles, other hormones, timing in secretion of female hormones that affect the menstrual cycle, etc. The levels of the circulating hormone vary in a daily cycle, depending to the circadian rhythm is an internal 24-hour “clock”. One important feature, as a role as a pervasive and powerful antioxidant, Melatonin protect our body from free radicals by fighting against damage of the nuclear and mitochondrial DNA of the cells. In a study of "Free Radical-Mediated Molecular Damage Mechanisms for the Protective Actions of Melatonin in the Central Nervous System" by RUSSEL J. REITER, DARIO ACUÑA-CASTROVIEJO, DUN-XIAN TAN and SUSANNE BURKHARDT, researchers concuded that Most recently, melatonin has been shown to increase the efficiency of the electron transport chain and, as a consequence, to reduce election leakage and the generation of free radicals. These multiple actions make melatonin a potentially useful agent in the treatment of neurological disorders that have oxidative damage as part of their etiological basis.
How melatonin hormone affects a woman menstrual cycle. In general, since melatonin and cortisol secreted by the adrenal gland are responsible for regulating the sleep and wake-up pattern, disruption or imbalance can cause sleep disorder, throwing the menstrual cycle out of whack as they can distort the production of other hormone.How melatonin affects a woman menstrual cycle
1. Premenstrual Syndrome: Women with PMS which begins 2 weeks before menstruation may exerpience abnormality of the levels of melatonin hormone as a result of abnormal production of follicle stimulating hormone FSH, leading to fauty ovulation and abdomianl cramps and pain. Most women with PMS are also associated with the symptom of circadian disruptions. Intake of melatonin suplement may be helpful but it can be addictive. Light therapy can be beneficial if the levels of melatonin hormone is high but it is not common. According to the article of PMS and Melatonin Imbalances by Dr. Teressa Rispoli, she wrote that Parry and other investigators from the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California compared melatonin levels over the menstrual cycle in a group of women with PMS and in a group of healthy women. They found that the women with PMS had an earlier decline in melatonin secretion--resulting in a shorter overall secretion time.
2. Puberty: In a study of Precocious Puberty and Decreased Melatonin Secretion due to a Hypothalamic HamartomaJ.C. Commentza, K. Helmkeb, researcher found that The melatonin plasma levels were low for the chronological age but appropriate for the pubertal status, making a causal relationship between lowered melatonin plasma levels and precocious puberty possible.
According to the article, Melatonin in Humans by Amnon Brzezinski, M.D. published by the New England Journal of medicine, the author wrote that If melatonin inhibits the activity of the hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing–hormone pulse generator (as in ewes) or attenuates the response of the pituitary gland to stimulation by a gonadotropin-releasing hormone (as in neonatal rats), the onset of puberty in humans may be related to the decline in melatonin secretion that occurs as children grow.3. Amenorrhea: Secondary amenrrhea is defined as period beginning at the appropriate age, but later stops for more than 3 cycles or 6 months. Melatonin may elevate the effect as oral contraceptive pill to cause amemorrhea According to the stsudy of Melatonin and oral contraception by Presl J. researcher concluded that there have been good results in recent research to inhibit the generator of pulsatile secretion of GnRH necessary for ovulation by using melatonin in a new type of oral contraceptive. The oral contraceptive uses melatonin rather than estrogen, either alone or in combination with norethindrone.4. Perimenopause: Levels of melatonin decreases with age especially with women in the stage of perimenopause. According to the study of Effects of melatonin in perimenopausal and menopausal women: our personal experience. by Bellipanni G, DI Marzo F, Blasi F, Di Marzo A., researchers found that with subjects took a daily dose of 3 mg synthetic melatonin or a placebo for 6 months. Levels of melatonin were determined from five daily saliva samples taken at fixed times. Hormone levels were determined from blood samples three times over the 6-month period. Our results indicate that a cause-effect relationship between the decline of nocturnal levels of MEL and onset of menopause may exist. MEL abrogates hormonal, menopause-related neurovegetative disturbances and restores menstrual cyclicity and fertility in perimenopausal or menopausal women. At present we assert that the six-month treatment with MEL produced a remarkable and highly significant improvement of thyroid function, positive changes of gonadotropins towards more juvenile levels, and abrogation of menopause-related depression.
Finally, I would like to conclude this acticle by memtioning the effect of melatonin on sex hormone estrogen. According to the study of Melatonin, an Endogenous-specific Inhibitor of Estrogen Receptor via Calmodulin by Beatriz del RÃo, Juana M. GarcÃa Pedrero, Carlos MartÃnez-Campa, Pedro Zuazua, Pedro S. Lazo, and SofÃa Ramos, researchers found that interestingly, melatonin does not affect the binding of coactivators to ER(estrogen receptor), indicating that melatonin action is different from that of current therapeutic anti-estrogens used in breast cancer therapy.Thus, they target ER(estrogen receptor), at different levels, representing two independent ways to control ER(estrogen receptor), activity. It is, therefore, conceivably a synergistic pharmacological effect of melatonin and current anti-estrogen drugs.For other health articles, please visit
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Women and Anxiety
2. Women and Stroke
3. Women and Anemia
4. Women and Osteroporosis
5. Women and Insomnia
6. Women and Anxiety
7. Women and Depression
Social Anxiety Secrets - The doctor speaks
An actual clinical psychologist creates a research
based system to beat social anxiety and shyness
Anxiety is a psychological and physiological state triggered by feelings of fear, worry, uneasiness and dread, etc. It is a normal reaction to a stress that allows a person to cope with the situation during emotionally difficult time. But when when anxiety symptoms escalate or become excessive, it can lead to anxiety disorder.
Women and anxiety
Statistic shows that women experience more episodes of anxiety overall than men, especially a few days in the beginning of the menstrual cycle.
Types of anxiety disorder
1. Panic disorder
Panic disorder is a type of anxiety disorder defined as a condition of sudden feelings of terror for no reason. It can happens any without cause. The condition affects more often in women mau ve as a result of stress or fear wiothout reason
2. Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a type of anxiety disorder defined as condition of repeated absessions. A woman with obsessive-compulsive disorder tries to repeat the same complusive action over and over again to prevent something to happen with no reason. Example, some women with the disorder may try to clean away germs by clearing the same over and over again compulsively.
3. Post-traumatic stress disorder
Post-traumatic disorder is type of anxiety disorder defined as a condition of living through a horrible experience that can make you fear after the event was over. Some women may fear the sound of win after going the bad hurricane.
4. Phobias
Phobias is a type of anxiety disorder defined as a condition in which a person has strong fear of something which post no danger to him/her. Example, some people affaid of height,..
6. Etc.
The effects of anxiety
1. Physical effects
When a person under thread, blood pressure and heart rate are increased, sweating is increased to stimulate the blood flow to the major muscle groups to exhibit a fight or escaped reponse, leading to pale skin, sweating, trembling, and pupillary dilation. In women with anxiety, because of constant under thread without reasons,it can lead to symptoms of muscle weakness, tension, fatigue, nausea, stomach aches, or headaches.
2. Emotional effects
Emotional, women with anxiety disorder are trapped in a bad mind feeling, and feeling like everything is scary, leading to symptoms of nightmare, trouble concentrating, feeling tense or jumpy, anticipating the worst, irritability, restlessness,etc.
3. Cognitive affects
People who has preoccupied by processing of information in their mind such as such as fear of dying. When there is chest pain, the person may think about unrelated heart diseases, such as heart diseases and fear of dying for no reason at all.
4. Behavior affects
An past experience may cause a person to withdraw under normal circumstance when there is a unpleasant feeling, leading to nail biting and increased motor tension, such as foot tapping, etc.
Diagnosis and tests
After recording the medical history and physical and emotional exam. If anxiety is suspected, you may be recommended to take some tests and referred to A psychiatrist, clinical psychologist, or other mental-health professional for find out the cause of anxiety with specially designed interview and assessment tools to determine the specific cause of the diseases. For example, the specialist may diagnose panic disorder instead of anxiety if the anxiety is focused on excessive worrying about having a panic attack or separation anxiety disorder if there is an excessive worry about being away from home, etc.
Causes of anxiety
1. Bad experience from the past
Any adverse experience from a childhood, living through a horrible experience, etc can be a cvause of anxiety as the experiences have been encoded into the brain’s amygdala and may resurface when the person is an adult.
2. Hormone change
Hormones produced by glands or organs during menstrual cycle, pregnancy or in the stage of menopause can affect the feeling of anxiety
b. Perimenopause
Perimenopause is the period of time when the body is approaching menopause. It may last from two to ten years. During this time the menstrual cycle becomes irregular as the hormone levels keep fluctuating, causing some women to experience PMS-like symptoms.
c. Menopause
In an article of Menopause and Anxiety by Cathy Taylor, posted at Consumer Health Digest, the author expressed that in what is often referred to as a ¨midlife crisis,¨ this time of life forces women to re-evaluate themselves and the role(s) they play as they are getting older. And, often times we are not comfortable with what we find. A little voice in the back of our head is saying, “If you don’t make changes now … you never will!” Our hormonal imbalances (due to decreased estrogen levels) can contribute to feelings of depression or make us feel plain ‘indifference.’ Even if menopause isn’t actually causing these conditions, it can heighten underlying anxiety and bring it to the surface.
c. Following childbirth
The severe drop in estrogen and progesterone hormones following childbirth can cause a temporary feeling of depression or anxiety. In some women, if it is prolonged, it can trigger anxiety disorder.
3. Medication
Women who are taking the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors for treating depression have a higher risk in developing of anxiety
4.Alcohol and benzodiazepine dependency
In a study of Alcohol and benzodiazepines generate anxiety, panic and phobias by S I Cohen, researcher found that Alcohol and benzodiazepine dependencycan worsen or cause anxiety and panic attacks.
5. Stress
prolonged exposure to stress environment such as a serious medical illness can increase the production of certain hormones such as cortisol, GH and norepinephrine which promote anxiety.
6. Lack of oxygen
Lack to oxygen can reduce the production of serotonin hormone, that can lead to anxiety.
7. Family
Increased risk of anxiety if a woman have a family history of the disease.
8. Low levels of GABA
Gaba is is the chief inhibitory neurotransmitter of the central nervous system.
In a study of The role of GABA in anxiety disorders. by Lydiard RB., reseracher concluded that further support for the role of the GABA system in anxiety by summarizing the current evidence supporting the use of novel GABAergic agents including tiagabine in the treatment of anxiety disorders.
9. Etc.
Symptoms of anxiety
Most physical and non physical symptoms existed due to inability of the person to cope with the situation during constantly emotional-difficult time when there is a presence of stress.
1. Trembling
2. Nausea
3. Diarrhea
4. Headache
5. Heart palpitations
6. Sweating
7. Restlessness
8. Fatigue
9. Trouble concentration
10. Irritability
11. Heart palpitation
12. Etc.
1. Regular physical activity and healthy diet
Research has discovered that consistent regular physical activity and healthy diet throughout pre menopause reduce the risk of possibility of anxiety symptoms before, during and after menopause
2. Reduce weight
According to a study of Obesity Linked with Mood and Anxiety Disorders, by Simon GE, von Korff M, Saunders K, Miglioretti DL, Crane PK, van Belle G, Kessler R. Association Between Obesity and Psychiatric Disorders in the U.S. Adult Population researchers found that The results appear to support what other studies have found—that obesity, which is on the rise in the United States, is associated with increasing rates of major depression, bipolar disorder, panic disorder and other disorders.
3. Meditation or yoga
Meditation or yoga is a learning practice to bring your mind to a state of total relaxation and peace, thus reducing the stress cause of anxiety.
4. Healthy diet
Healthy diet provides necessary nutrients to prevent hormonal change that can affect the production of certain hormones, thus reducing the risk of anxiety a few days at the beginning of the menstrual cycle.
5. Avoid alcohol
6. Etc.
A. In conventional medicine
A.1. Non Pharmacologic treatments
1. Behavioral intervention
The purpose of behavioral intervention is to reinforce the positive behavior and avoid bad behavior regardless the environment influence.
2. Relaxation therapy
relaxation therapy is a form of treatment by enhancing the person into a relaxation stage quieting the mind to allow thoughts to flow in a smooth and induce the relaxation response.
3. Cognitive-behavioral therapy
In this therapy, you learn to recognize and change thought patterns and behaviors that can lead to anxious feelings, such as panic attacks are not really heart attacks.
4. Etc.
A.2. Pharmacologic treatments
1. Benzodiazepines
a. Benzodiazepines is referred to as tranquilizers and used to treat anxiety as its can you feeling calm and relaxed.
b. Risk and side effects
b.1. Drowsiness and dizziness.
b.2. Stomach upset
b.3. Headache,
b.4. Confusion
b.5. Impaired coordination
b, 6. Fatigue
b.7. Memory loss
b.8. Trembling
b.9. Etc
2. Antidepressants
a. Antidepressants have their effectiveness in treating but with some side effects anxiety disorders.
b. Risk and side effects
b.1. Bladder problems
b.2. Loss of libido
b.3. Dizziness and drowsiness
b.4. Inability to achieve an orgasm
b.5. Headaches
b.6. Nervousness
b.7. Etc.
B. Herbs
1. Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis):
Chamomile, a time-honored sedative herb, is widely used in teas for its relaxing and calming effects, specially in South America, and Mexico it is used as a herbal medicine to treat restlessness and irritability, particularly in children.
2. Lavender (Lavandula officinalis):
Lavender is a gentle strengthening tonic for the nervous system to treat moderate depression and for generalized anxiety disorder.
3. Passion flower (Passiflora incarnata):
Passion flower is an important herb to treat insomnia caused by anxiety, epilepsy, neuralgia, and withdrawal syndromes from opiates or benzodiazepines due to its sedative effect of centrally acting substances such as benzodiazepines, barbiturates, alcohol. in a study of Passionflower in the treatment of generalized anxiety: a pilot double-blind randomized controlled trial with oxazepam by Akhondzadeh S, Naghavi HR, Vazirian M, Shayeganpour A, Rashidi H, Khani M., researchers found that Passiflora extract is an effective drug for the management of generalized anxiety disorder, and the low incidence of impairment of job performance with Passiflora extract compared to oxazepam is an advantage. A large-scale trial is justified.
4. St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum):
St. John's Wort has been used as sedative agent as imipramine or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) to treat mild to moderate depression causes of insomnia. In a study of Equivalence of St John's wort extract (Ze 117) and fluoxetine: a randomized, controlled study in mild-moderate depression by Schrader E., researcher found that Although hypericum (St. John Wart extracted, Ze 117) may be superior in improving the responder rate, the main difference between the two treatments is safety. Hypericum was superior to fluoxetine in overall incidence of side-effects, number of patients with side-effects and the type of side-effect reported.
5. Valerian (Valeriana officinalis):
Valerian has been used as a sedative agent to treat against insomnia, nervousness, and restlessness by many herbalists.
C. Chinese herbs
Traditional Chinese medicine defined anxiety is associated liver qi stagnation as a result with loss, repressed expression, and other stressful events cause of restraining flows of qi.
1. Chai Hu
Chai hu is also known as Radix Bupleuri, the bitter and sightly cod herb has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to disperse heat and fever, improve yang and promote liver function by enhancing the channels of liver, gall bladder, pericardium, triple fire channels, thus enhancing the liver qi.
2. Bai Shao
Bai Shao is also known as white peony root or Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae, the bitter soul and col herb has been used in tradtional Chinese medicine to dilates peripheral blood vessels, coronary arteries and anti-inflammatory by enhancing the function of channels of liver and spleen resulting in promote blood flow to the lower burner.
3. He Shou Wu
He shou hu is also known as Radix Polygoni Multiflori, the bitter, sweetness and neutral herb has been use in traditional Chinese medicine to relieve of heat toxicity, secure kidney essence (jing), treat spermatorrhea and liver qi deficiency by enhancing the function of liver and kidney channels.
4. Gan Cao
Gan Cao is also known as licorice root, the sweet herb has been used in TCM to promote qi, clear heat and get rid of toxins and control the secretion of insulin by enhancing the function of all channels.
5. Etc.
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Women and Insomnia
2. Women and Stroke
3. Women and Anemia
4. Women and Osteroporosis
5. Women and Insomnia
6. Women and Anxiety
7. Women and Depression
Your Insomnia Cure
Insomnia Buster Do You Enjoy Sleep Every Night?
Special Guide To Natural Sleep Remedies For Insomniacs
Insomnia is a sign and symptom of sleep disorder and defined as a condition in which a person has a difficulty falling asleep and/or staying asleep or sleep of poor quality that can lead to substantial impairments in the quality of life and functional capacity of an individual. Most adults have experienced insomnia sometimes in their life. According to statistic, more than 30% of the population suffers from insomnia, one in three people suffer from some form of insomnia during their lifetime and women suffer from insomnia more often than men.
Types of insomnia
1. Transient insomnia
The symptom is last less than a week, as a result from sleep environment changes, timing of sleep or caused by depression, stress or other factors.
2. Acute insomnia
Acute insomnia, a more common type of insomnia, is defined as a condition of difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep for a period of less than three months, one is acute insomnia.
3. Chronic insomnia
The symptom is last more than 3 months and can be caused by another disorder, such as emotional or psychological basis.
Diagnosis and tests
The purpose of the insomnia diagnosis is to determine the causes ( psychology , medicine, etc) of the diseases to provide a best possible treatment to the patient. In general, after recording the family history and a physical and mental exams
1. obstructive sleep apnea
The test is to determine the periodic reduction in or a complete stop of breathing during sleep. It can be performed in the doctor office or at the hospital.
2. Epworth Sleepiness Scale
A validated questionnaire to be answered by the patient and can be helpful in
assessing insomnia.
3. Etc.
Causes and Ricks factors of insomnia in women
There are many factors that can cause insomnia
1. Hormone change
Hormones produced by glands or organs during menstrual cycle, pregnancy or in the stage of menopause can affect the pattern of sleep.
a. Menstrual cycle
According to an article posted at reader digest version, health- menstrual insomnia by By Ellen Michaud with Julie Bain from Sleep to Be Sexy Smart and Slim showed that Premenstrual insomnia, as doctors call it, seems to be associated with a rapid drop in the hormone progesterone. “Progesterone is a soporific, a sedative-type drug that your body gives you every month when you ovulate,” says Dr. Lee.(researcher) “Then, just before your period, its production either slows to a trickle or falls dramatically.”
b. Menopause
According to the article of Menopause And Insomnia -- New Findings Link Estrogen Decline, Sleeplessness And Mineral Deficiency post on medical news today 15 May 2007 - 12:00 showed that women in the pre-menopause and menopause years are more and more finding themselves experiencing symptoms of chronic insomnia,.....Some of the above reactions occur nearly simultaneously whenever the level of estrogen falls. as a result of gradual drop in estrogen but severe drop in progesterone.
c. Pregnancy
The hormonal change during pregnancy may also affect the sleep pattern in some women, causing insomnia. According to a study of 189 women completed the surveys provided by the researchers at Northwestern studying insomnia and pregnancy, researchers found that pregnancy insomnia could also be caused by inadequate nutrient intake, particularly in the later stages as more nutrients are being directed to the developing fetus. For example, blood levels of the omega-3 fatty acid Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) become much lower during the third trimester.
DHA is necessary for normal brain function. Low DHA levels have been associated with depression. That could be the connection between increased insomnia during pregnancy. The brain receptors responsible for regulating sleep are the same as those responsible for regulating mood. Both insomnia and pregnancy can affect the mood as a result of the effects of sleep deprivation and hormonal changes.
2. Disorder causes of insomnia
Women who has been affected by anxiety disorders or the delayed sleep phase disorder may experience the symptom of insomnia.
3. Frequent nighttime urination
Frequent nighttime urination can cause sleep disturbance, if the disorder persists for the prolonged period of time can lead to insomnia.
4. Depression and Anxiety
Women who have been affected by depression and anxiety are at high risk of developing insomnia.
5. Stimulants
Stimulants can cause nervous tension that can lead to insomnia.
6. Mental disorders
Increased risk insomnia for women with mental disorder.
7. Medical conditions
Certain sickness such as hyperthyroidism and rheumatoid arthritis[ can lead to insomnia.
8. Physical exercise
Exercise-induced insomnia ((EII)) is common in athletes. In a study of the epidemiological survey of exercise-induced insomnia in Chinese athletes by Youqi Shi, Zhihong Zhou, Ke Ning, Jianhong LIU, researchers concluded that EII symptoms are generally existed in Chinese athletes. The difficulty-initiating sleep(DIS)are most prevalent (79.5%) among EII. It frequently occurs after intensity exercise and before competition. 95% of EII symptoms belong to temporary psychological and physiological insomnia while 5% of them match the definition of insomnia described by the CCMD-2-R or are so-called obstinate psychological and physiological insomnia.
9. Excessive alcohol intake
Excessive intake of alcohol can interfere with the function of the nervous system in information transmitting information between brain cells and cells in the body, prolonged excessive drinking can cause insomnia.
10. Smoking
Smoking is a stimulant which can interfere with the body's ability to fall asleep.
11. Etc.
1. Difficulty falling and maintaining asleep
2. Poor quality sleep pattern
3. Difficult staying asleep
4. Poor concentration
5. Difficulty with memory
6. Impaired motor coordination
7. Irritability and impaired social interaction
8. Fatigue
9. Etc.
A. How to avoid
1. Maintain a health diet and lifestyle to prevent the hormonal causes of insomnia.
2. Reduce intake of alcohol
3. Stop smoking
4. Moderate exercise
5. Frequent nighttime urination can be treated
6. A glass of warm milk 15 minutes before going to bed may be helpful.
7. Taking a warm water bath an hour before bedtime can enhance sleep.
8. Reading, meditation can relieve nervous tension and induce sleep.
9. Do not eat a large meal within two hours of bedtime
B. Diet
1. Tofu or bean curd
2. Tryptophan rich foods
Tryptophan is an essential amino acid, the precursor to serotonin, in turn, converted to melatonin, via N-acetyltransferase and 5-hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase activities which are necessary neurotransmitter responsible for transmitting nerve impulses in the brain and induce relaxation and natural sleep, but high levels of tryptophan can increase the risk of drowsiness and cause harmful harmful effects of the age-related increase in brain serotonin. Intake food rich of tryptophan from the food below.
a. Chicken breast and Turkey
b. Tuna
c. Soybean
d. Beef
e. Lamb
f. Halibut
g. Shrimp
h. Salmon
i. Etc.
3. Carbohydrate
Eating foods with high in carbohydrate stimulates the pancreas in production and releasing insulin in the blood stream as it also reduce others amino acids which would otherwise compete with tryptophan, leading to the production of serotonin, which in return enhances the production melatonin, the natural sleep induced hormone.
a. Bread and pasta
b. Whole gain cereal
c. Potatoes
d. Apple pie and
e. Ice cream
f. Oatmeal and raisin cookies
g. Etc.
High amount of simple carbohydrate over prolonged period of time can increase the risk of type II diabetes due to over work that diminishes the function of pancreas in production of insulin. It If you are any symptom of sleep disorder, eating turkey combined with complex carbohydrate rich foods would be a better choice for meat and glucose. What is your choice?
4. Chlorophyll
All green plants including algae contain at least one type of chlorophyll, the green pigment of plants which allows plants to absorb sun light and convert them into usable energy. Beside it is best known as oxygen uptaker to the blood, it is also important to calm the nervous system, to induce sleep due to rich amount of magnesium.
a. All dark green plants( Roman lettuce is the best choice)
b. Algae (Fresh water organic growth is the best choice)
c. Etc.
5. Magnesium
Magnesium is a natural sedative and stabilization of abnormal nerve excitation as it is used in conjunction with other medication to treat depressed elderly type 2 diabetics.. The mineral is important in manipulating of ATP, DNA, and RNA and many enzymes.
a. Leaf green vegetables (due to high amount of Chlorophyll)
b. Almonds
c. Sesame seed
d. Blackstrap molasses
e. Brewer's yeast
f. Whole grains
g. Etc.
For details of foods of above visit
100+ Healthy Foods Classification
or Super Food Health Effects
Generally, treatment of insomnia includes Non-pharmacological non-pharmacologic pharmacologic
A. 1.Non-pharmacological treatments
Non-pharmacological treatments have been used more effectively without worrying about the withdrawal effects after discontinued use of medication, including sleep hygiene, stimulus control, behavioral interventions, sleep-restriction therapy, paradoxical intention, patient education and relaxation therapy.
1. Sleep hygiene
Sleep hygiene is the method used to treat insomnia by including all behavioral and environmental factors that precede to sleep and may interfere with sleep. In a study of Sleep hygiene and actigraphically evaluated sleep characteristics in children with ADHD and chronic sleep onset insomnia KRISTIAAN B . VAN DER HEIJDE, researchers concluded that there were differences in sleep onset and sleep latency in ADHD children with chronic SOI and those without insomnia; however, sleep hygiene practices were similar and did not relate to sleep characteristics.
2. Stimulus control
The purpose of stimulus control is to The use of conditioning techniques to bring the target behavior of an individual under environmental control. If a person behaviors can respond differentially to the environment factors, he/or she are likely to fall to sleep under certain certain conditions. the characteristics of stimulus control is to helps the patient to behavior automatically when the conditioned stimulus is given but not to others.
3. Behavioral intervention
The purpose of behavioral intervention is to reinforce the positive behavior and avoid bad behavior regardless the environment influence.
4. Sleep-restriction therapy
Sleep restriction therapy base on the hypothesis that insomnia is caused spending too much time in bed cause of insomnia. By restriction the time in bed determine by the time a person normally asleep and schedule for others such as time to wake up, same bed time every night, etc.
5. Paradoxical intention
Paradoxical intention is a treatment of removing the psychological habit or thought cause of insomnia by helping the patient to understand the irrationality of the emotional reaction
6. Relaxation therapy
relaxation therapy is a form of treatment by enhancing the person into a relaxation stage quieting the mind to allow thoughts to flow in a smooth and induce the relaxation response.
7. Etc.
A..2. Pharmacologic treaments
1. Benzodiazepines
a. Benzodiazepines is used for patient with insomnia to initiate sleep and increase sleep time, but they also decrease deep sleep and increase light sleep.
b. Risk and side effects
b.1. Drowsiness and dizziness.
b.2. Stomach upset
b.3. Headache,
b.4. Confusion
b.5. Impaired coordination
b, 6. Fatigue
b.7. Memory loss
b.8. Trembling
b.9. Etc
2. Non-benzodiazepines
a. Non-benzodiazepine is a sedative-hypnotic drugs used to treat insomnia similar to those in the benzodiazepine class but with an advantage of reducing the time for the patient to fall asleep.
b. Risks and side effects
b.1. morning sedation
b.2. Drowsiness
b.3. Dizziness
b.5. Headache
b.6. Diarrhea
b.7. Etc.
3. Antidepressants
a. According the article of Use of Low-Dose Sedating Antidepressants vs Benzodiazepine Receptor Agonist Hypnotics in Treating Insomnia by Thomas Roth, PhD, the author concluded that Because the use of low-dose sedating antidepressants in insomnia is a common practice, one can come to 2 conclusions. These were formalized in the National Institutes of Health State of the Science Conference on the Manifestations and Management of Chronic Insomnia in Adults. First, there is a need for dose-response data on the relationship with sleep, as well as long-term efficacy data. Second, "all antidepressants have potentially significant adverse effects raising concerns about the risk-benefit ratio."[11] In summary, there is a wealth of data supporting the efficacy and safety, with some concerns mentioned above, of the BZRAs for the management of insomnia. In contrast, while the use of low-dose sedating antidepressants for the management of insomnia is gaining in popularity, as pointed out by the National Institutes of Health, the wisdom of this use awaits further data on dose-related safety and efficacy.
b. Risk and side effects
b.1. Bladder problems
b.2. Loss of libido
b.3. Dizziness and drowsiness
b.4. Inability to achieve an orgasm
b.5. Headaches
b.6. Nervousness
b.7. Etc.
4. Melatonin supplement
a. Melatonin supplements has been used treat insomnia without altering the sleep pattern by inducing sleep and regulating the sleep/waking cycle. In a study of Melatonin and zopiclone as facilitators of early circadian sleep in operational air transport crews. by Paul MA, Gray G, Sardana TM, Pigeau RA, researchers concluded that melatonin and zopiclone, in the dosages we used, are equipotent facilitators of early circadian sleep during transmeridian air transport operations.
b. Risks and side effects
b.1. Daytime sleepiness and drowsiness
b.2. Dizziness
b.3. Headaches
b.4. Abdominal discomfort
b.5. Confusion
b. 6. Nightmares
b.7. Etc.
5. Melatonin agonist
In a study of Melatonin agonist and insomnia by Ferguson SA, Rajaratnam SM, Dawson D., researchers concluded that all appear to be efficacious in the treatment of circadian rhythm sleep disorders and some types of insomnia. However, further studies are required to understand the mechanisms of action, particularly for insomnia. Clinical application of the agonists requires a good understanding of their phase-dependent properties. Long-term effects of melatonin should be evaluated in large-scale, independent randomized controlled trials.
b. Risks and side effects
b.1. Daytime sleepiness
b.2. Dizziness
b.3. Headaches
b.4. Abdominal discomfort
b.5. Confusion
b. 6. Nightmares
b.7. Etc.
6. Etc.
B. Herbs
1. Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis):
Chamomile, a time-honored sedative herb, is widely used in teas for its relaxing and calming effects, especialy in South America, and Mexico it is used as a herbal medicine to treat insomnia, restlessness and irritability, particularly in children.
2. Hops (Humulus lupulus):
Hops are the female inflorescences of the plant Humulus lupulus L., and used used as an herbal medicine for mood disturbance and insomnia. In a study of Valerian-hops combination and diphenhydramine for treating insomnia: a randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial.
3. Lavender (Lavandula officinalis):
Lavender is a gentle strengthening tonic for the nervous system to treat moderate depression and for generalized anxiety disorder cause of insomnia.
4. Passion flower (Passiflora incarnata):
Passion flower is an important herb to treat insomnia caused by anxiety, epilepsy, neuralgia, and withdrawal syndromes from opiates or benzodiazepines due to its sedative effect of centrally acting substances such as benzodiazepines, barbiturates, alcohol. in a study of Passionflower in the treatment of generalized anxiety: a pilot double-blind randomized controlled trial with oxazepam by Akhondzadeh S, Naghavi HR, Vazirian M, Shayeganpour A, Rashidi H, Khani M., researchers found that Passiflora extract is an effective drug for the management of generalized anxiety disorder, and the low incidence of impairment of job performance with Passiflora extract compared to oxazepam is an advantage. A large-scale trial is justified.
5. Valerian (Valeriana officinalis):
Valerian has been used as a sedative agent to treat against insomnia, nervousness, and restlessness by many herbalists. Please read hops-valerian study above.
6. St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum):
St. John's Wort has been used as sedative agent as imipramine or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) to treat mild to moderate depression causes of insomnia. In a study of Equivalence of St John's wort extract (Ze 117) and fluoxetine: a randomized, controlled study in mild-moderate depression by Schrader E., researcher found that Although hypericum (St. John Wart extracted, Ze 117) may be superior in improving the responder rate, the main difference between the two treatments is safety. Hypericum was superior to fluoxetine in overall incidence of side-effects, number of patients with side-effects and the type of side-effect reported.
7. Etc.
C. Chinese Herbs
In traditional Chinese medicine, insomnia is most often results of imbalances of the Heart or Liver. Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan is one the most study and used to treat insomnia. Its ingredients
Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae (Dang Shen)
Rhizoma Acori Tatarinowii (Shi Chang Pu)
Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae (Di Huang)
Radix Angelica Sinensis (Dang Gui)
Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis (Wu Wei Zi)
Tuber Ophiopogonis Japonici (Mai Men Dong)
Semen Ziziphi Spinosae (Suan Zao Ren)
Semen Biotae Orientalis (Bo Zi Ren)
Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae (Dang Shen)
Sclerotium Poriae Cocos (Fu Ling)
Radix Scrophulariae Ningpoensis (Xuan Shen)
Radix Polygalae Tenuifoliae (Yuan Zhi)
Radix Platycodi Grandiflori (Jie Geng)
Radix Glycyrrhizae Uralensis (Gan Cao)
Caulis Polygoni Multiflori (Shou Wu Teng)
Asparagus Cochinchinensis Tuber (Tian Men Dong)
The International Chinese Medical Journal of Daytona notes in a 2003 review of insomnia posted from that this formula is especially helpful for those suffering from nervousness and vivid, disturbing dreams.
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